Setting yourself goals and turning them into reality doesn’t have to be a struggle! Discover our tips on setting realistic yet motivating goals.

As we approach the new year, now is the perfect time to set your cycling goals for 2024.

Whether you're an aspiring athlete or a seasoned rider, having well-defined objectives can boost your motivation, enhance your focus, and ultimately elevate your cycling performance.

At Njinga we’ve coached hundreds of cyclists to help them achieve their goals, so let us guide you through the process of setting and achieving your cycling goals.  


Setting Your Cycling Goals

No matter what level of cyclist you are, everyone needs a goal. Goal setting has many purposes and setting clear and attainable goals will help you to:

- Know where you want to get to and what you want to achieve,  
- Maintain your focus,
- Keep you motivated and on track, even when things get tough,
- Keep you determined and stop you from giving up,
- Have the courage to keep moving in the right direction,
- Get that feeling of joy and accomplishment when you achieve them.  

All these points underline the reasons why everyone needs a clear goal to help them to be the best they can be.

To help you set your goals we have a 4 step process to follow.



What do you want to achieve?



Ensure you set specific, measurable targets.


Set yourself smaller targets along the way.



Give your goals a timeframe.

Step 1. Define your Ambition

The first step in the goal-setting process is to define your ambition. What do you want to achieve in your cycling journey in 2024?

Knowing where you ultimately want to get to and what you want to achieve is critical to helping you improve your performance. Many different goals may come to mind, but which of these is the most important to you?

Your big goal could be increasing your average speed, conquering challenging rides, losing X amount of weight, achieving a certain FTP score, a personal challenge such as riding X many KMs in the year or even participating in a cycling event.

Clearly articulate your primary objective to provide a clear direction for your efforts.

2. Make it Specific

Once you have your overarching goal, break it down into specific, measurable targets.

The more specific and detailed your goal is, the better, as you will be more likely to stick to it. Your goal needs to drill down into exactly what you want to achieve.

For example, if your goal is to improve your endurance, specify how many kilometres or miles you aim to cycle by the end of the year.

Specific goals provide clarity and allow you to track your progress effectively. 

3. Set Realistic Milestones

While ambitious goals are great, ensure they are also realistic. Setting unattainable objectives can lead to frustration and disappointment.

When setting a big goal we also recommend establishing realistic milestones along the way to your main goal that are challenging yet achievable.

One big goal can seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into bite-sized chunks can help you get into a habit and keep you determined. As you reach these smaller milestones, it will boost your confidence and motivation to tackle your larger goal.

4. Time-Bound Objectives

Give your goals a time frame. When do you want to achieve them?

Having deadlines creates a sense of urgency and helps you structure your training plans accordingly.

Be specific about the time frame, whether it's by the end of the year, a particular event, or within a set number of months. 


How to Achieve Your Cycling Goals

Having a plan on how you are going to achieve your goals is just as important as setting goals itself. However, this step of goal setting is often missed.

Many people get so focused on the outcome they forget to plan how they will get there.

You need to plan different ways that will help you create a habit and get into a routine for achieving your goal.

To help you achieve your goals we have 4 steps to consider.



Small challenges keep you focused on your training goals.



Share your goals and find a support network that will keep you on track.



Create your training plan to keep you training no matter the weather.


ManagE Setbacks

Expect the unexpected, adjust and get back on track.

1. Sign up for Challenges

Signing up for smaller cycling challenges and events throughout the season can help you commit to your bigger goals and create a sense of accountability. The anticipation of an upcoming event can be a strong motivator to stay on track with your training. 

Looking for inspiration? Check out our guide to 12 challenges for 2024 or our next challenge ride.

When choosing challenges to sign up for, look for events that align with your goals and interests. Whether it's a charity ride, a sportive, or a competitive race, these events can serve as milestones to work towards. Once you've identified the events, don't hesitate to register early.

We also recommend spreading them out across the season to provide good opportunities to test your progress.

2. Accountability

Once you have your goal, increase the chances of you being able to achieve it by sharing it with others (For example friends, family, or fellow cyclists) so they can hold you accountable.

When you make your intentions public, you create a support system that can help keep you on track and provide encouragement when challenges arise.

Another great way to stay accountable is to join a local cycling group or an online community of like-minded individuals. These groups offer a built-in support system, training partners, and a sense of camaraderie that can keep you motivated and accountable.

Our LIVE 8-week training programmes are also a great way to stay accountable to your training, whilst benefiting from a supportive community, coach advice and motivation.  

3. Training Through the Seasons

Consistency with your training is key to achieving your goals and gradually improving your cycling performance. 

Unfortunately, cycling in the UK means facing diverse weather conditions throughout the year which can make it difficult to train outdoors consistently. In order to achieve your cycling goals you must learn to adapt to the changing seasons. We recommend creating a training plan that considers weather factors, such as indoor training during the winter and longer outdoor rides during the summer. Variety in your training regimen also helps to keep it engaging and effective.

Winter is also the perfect time to up your zone 2 training efforts. Zone 2 training will improve your cardiovascular endurance, reduce your heart rate for a given training intensity and enhance your overall performance.

If you are not sure how to plan your training effectively, book a Free coach call with our Head Performance Coach Togo who can help you think about your goals, make suggestions and help support you in achieving your goals.

4. Managing Setbacks

Setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Whether it's illness, injury, or unexpected life events, be prepared for the occasional detour from your training plan. When setbacks occur, don't be discouraged; instead, adapt your goals and training accordingly.

“No plan survives contact with the enemy”, we need to be resilient enough not to let setbacks derail us and to be able to adjust and get back on track.

When facing setbacks, take time to re-evaluate your goals and adjust them if needed. It's essential to be flexible and understand that adaptation is a part of progress. This is a great time to talk to a coach too, they can help you put things into proportion and adjust plans accordingly.

*">By establishing clear objectives, holding yourself accountable, and staying adaptable through the seasons and with setbacks, you can make 2024 a year of cycling success.


If you are in need of further guidance, book a FREE coach call with our Head Performance Coach, Togo, today and let us help you prepare successfully.


Categories: : Train Smart

and access our FREE Stretching video series. 

Includes: dynamic PRE-ride, static POST-ride, and restorative DEEP stretching routines, ensuring you start to feel the benefits immediately.