From a triathlete that struggled out of the water to conquering iconic cycling challenges, full distance triathlons & more. Ali's results have been incredible.



3.88w/kg & FTP Score: 225w - Both scores are the 5th highest female scores seen in the Lab.


Qualified for UCI Gran Fondo World.

outlAw triathlon

Second place in age group in Outlaw triathlon and ninth overall.


Rode across the Pyrenees from the east coast to the west coast: 740km with over 11,000m of climbing in just 5 days.

No matter how much you think you're doing, the instructors always seem to get that little bit extra out of you, even if you didn't think it was there!

A self-confessed Njinga addict

There are many reasons why I keep coming back to Njinga. And in no particular order, here they are:

1. The unrivalled community: Everyone – including the instructors and fellow riders – are so friendly, caring, helpful, encouraging, focused, and respectful.

2. The atmosphere: As soon as you step through the doors of the Njinga Lab, there's such a buzz; I cannot help but have a grin on my face.

3. That feeling of being part of a family: From my first day at Njinga, I've felt so welcomed and part of something very, very special.

4. A massive sense of achievement after each and every session: Even if I'm tired or just not up for it, I always have a sense of gaining something (whether physical or mental).

5. I think I'm an Njinga addict! I really feel a sense of loss if I'm away for any length of time.

How is Njinga different?

There are so many things that make Njinga different to other training academies. The 
sessions are so well structured and presented that you just know you're improving your outdoor performance as opposed to the typical spinning class where you're just turning over pedals to burn calories for no particular reason.

The sessions at Njinga are fun but extremely challenging and they never become boring! Even when you've heard the same song for the hundredth time.

Njinga has helped me focus on every aspect of my cycling, namely: knowing when and where to push hard and how to avoid burning all my matches at once.

Training at Njinga

pedal technique has improved astronomically – I'm happy to announce that I can finally call myself an Italian Stallion now! There are still so many things I can improve on and every single Njinga session helps me chip away at these improvements. 

The main thing I've learnt that has surprised me is how much I can endure both physically and mentally. Although the sessions are so much fun, they're very touch, too. 

No matter how much you think you're doing, the instructors always seem to get that little bit extra out of you, even if you didn't think it was there!

I've taken part in a few group training programmes, all of which I've thoroughly enjoyed and gained so much from. I've also been away on an Njinga trip to Mallorca which was absolutely incredible: stunning rides, great food, fantastic scenery, and amazing company. I would, without hesitation, recommend Njinga and I've done so many times.

Training at Njinga has helped me achieve results not just with cycling, but also with all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

From day-to-day activities, energy levels, fitness, and physique. It's helped me with my other sports, too: my running has improved tenfold, even when I've not been concentrating on it.

My biggest achievements

My biggest milestones so far, since coming to Njinga, have been:

1. Recently achieving second place in my age group and ninth overall lady in the Outlaw Full Distance Triathlon;
2. Fifth in my age group at Leeds Standard Distance Triathlon;
3. London to Paris in 24-hours; and
4. The Tour of Cambridgeshire Gran Fondo World Qualifier.

Without Njinga, there's no way I could have done any of these things. Thank you to the whole Njinga team and community.

Ali cycling up Tour De France Climb Col Du Tourmalet on our Challenge Ride No.1 across the Pyrenees.

Ali during an Njinga Group Indoor Class at the Njinga Lab.

Ali being awarded our Giro d'Njinga blue jersey for winning our 3 week Lab climbing competition.

Ali on our Challenge Ride No.1 as we rode across the Pryenees from the East to the West Coast.

Ali on our Challenge Ride No.1 as we rode across the Pyrenees - 740km with over 11,000m of climbing in just 5 days.

Ali on an Njinga Collective ride.

Training at Njinga has helped me achieve results not just with cycling, but also with all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

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– Togo Keynes, Head Performance Coach at Njinga Cycling Academy