The definition of development.
20 watts improvement in 5 months.
106km - 3 hours 54 minutes.
141km - 6 hours 19 minutes.
Finished 30% higher up the field.
Before Njinga
I'd originally started cycling to help with the commute to work and to improve my fitness. Three years into it, I'd done some club riding and enjoyed a few sportives like Wales Velathon, Ride London, and L'Etape du Tour 2016. I had fallen in love with cycling and everything it offered: from the discipline of training and respecting my body, to the fun and freedom of just being out riding. I'd proven to myself that I could be fit enough to take part in some of the tougher cycling challenges and I was proud of that.
The issue was that the simple pride of being able to finish was no longer enough. I wanted to know how much further I could take this.
Matt on our Njinga training camp in Mallorca.
Matt on our Njinga training camp in Mallorca.
Matt on our Njinga training camp in Mallorca.
Matt ready to go on our Training Camp in Mallorca..
Matt at the top of the climb having completed Col d'Izoard - A mountain pass in the Alps.
Matt on our training camp in Mallorca.
Matt with his wife Ali, who he also got into cycling.
Matt on a road cycling holiday.
Matt on a cycling holiday near the beginning of his cycling journey.