Read how Tom Hill improved his cycling with his first live 8 week training programme with us.

“I have just completed the 8 week FTP Accelerator Programme. I’m 48, love my beer, and not the greatest self-motivator for exercise. However, to have Togo invest his time and experience in me just makes you feel motivated to push yourself, discover what you are capable of, and want to get better. Without this programme I would never have achieved anything like this under my own steam.

I went up 30 watts and improved my FTP from 227 to 257 which was past my stretched target. I put on leg muscle and felt certainly fitter over these dark Jan & Feb cold months. I just overcame what I know would have been weak attempts at keeping fit and aimless pedalling. Having Togo coaching and instructing you is very motivating during sessions. I’m a detail guy, so after the sessions getting feedback on your ride and providing pointers on your data so you understand what you did, where you can improve, and then going and doing it just gives me a buzz.

The biggest penny-dropping moment was after week 3 when I realised I was in fact always holding back, not wanting to blow up & overdo it during a ride. Every time I went what I thought was my max effort I then improved further the week after. That’s quality, Togo using the data to tell me how and where to improve, not just pedal faster. By the end, looking back at my early rides I realised how far I’d come. 

Njinga really wants you to get better at cycling. The programme wasn’t a soft lads and lasses casual pedal, you had to commit, but the end is worth it and I loved it. You don’t have to be a lycra-clad bike nerd to enjoy this. I’m doing it in mountain bike cleats and a rugby t-shirt. You do need a watt bike or similar if you want all the data but I started on a turbo trainer from Aldi and a Garmin bike computer.

The best thing about the programme is Togo invests in you and wants you to get better. He cares and then you start caring too”

Tom's average power increase over the 8-week programme (Week 8 missing as it was an FTP test)

If you are looking to do an 8-week programme and experience the benefits yourself, check out the details of our next live programme.

Not sure if this is the best option for you? Book a free 15-minute coach call and we help you find the best option for your training needs.

Categories: : Indoor Training

and access our FREE Stretching video series. 

Includes: dynamic PRE-ride, static POST-ride, and restorative DEEP stretching routines, ensuring you start to feel the benefits immediately.