Recreational cyclist who went on to cycle Italy from coast-to-coast.
+ 43 watts over eight weeks. Highest female FTP Improvement score.
0.91 watts per kilo improvement in just eight weeks.
Improved 1 min average power output by 13% over the eight weeks group indoor training programme. Increased from 183 to 207 watts.
Cycled 185 miles in 3 days with 12,000 feet of climbing.
Before Njinga
I had signed up to a cycling challenge following a talk at my children's school about setting a good example. The talk emphasised how you need to set a good example to your children and if you don't challenge yourself, you can't expect your kids to follow suit.
The challenge was cycling coast-to-coast across Italy, from Rimini to Pisa. Three days, ±185 miles. Not so concerning until you add in the 12,000 feet ascent which, for me, was going to be hard. I was more of a recreational cyclist. The further I'd ever cycled before was around the Isle of Wight in one day. But I'd never done back-to-back days on my bike. I was genuinely terrified.
Sandra Celebrating FTP improvement with fellow Njinga programme riders.
Sandra at the end of her coast to coast ride of Italy - Covering 185 miles in 3 days.
Sandra with fellow Njinga riders at the end of our 8 Week Fire Starter Indoor Training Programme.
Sandra and fellow programme riders receiving their Tribe Nutrition complimentary boxes.
Sandra and her fellow programme rides celebrating their successes.