Terms and Conditions for The Njinga Collective membership
- The registered user of The Membership is required to agree to these terms and conditions at the point of membership activation
- Members must be over 18 years old to join. Minors (under 18 years) are not permitted on any Njinga Collective rides, even if accompanied by their parent or guardian.
- The Membership of each Member will commence on the date on which it is activated on Team App and will automatically expire 31 March 2024.
- Membership is personal to each Member and is not transferable.
- The Njinga Collective reserves the right to suspend the use of Membership for a period of time, to withdraw its use completely and/or to terminate Membership if the Member breaches any of these terms and conditions/policies (or The Njinga Collective has reasonable grounds to suspect such a breach) or otherwise misuses the Membership; The Njinga Collective shall not be obliged to make any refund to a Member if their Membership is suspended or withdrawn or if their contract for the purchase of a Membership is terminated.
- The Njinga Collective shall be entitled to refuse an application from or suspend or cancel the Membership of any Member in its absolute discretion.
- The Njinga Collective operates zero tolerance of behaviour that is abusive, sexist, racist or harassment in any way. Reported incidents of this nature will be taken seriously, may be reported to authorities and will result in the termination of your membership without refund and with a lifetime ban. The Njinga Collective’s Zero Tolerance Policy can be found HERE.
- Nothing in these terms and conditions guarantees a Member will be entitled to renew their Membership. Once expired, all rights of Membership will cease.
- The Njinga Collective collects personal information when an individual becomes a Member, or when Members use services or products that require the collection of personal information. The Njinga Collective will use this information to provide the services requested, maintain records, notify Members of important information regarding an individual’s membership (such as renewal notices), club events, and developing the organisation. On occasions the Njinga Collective may also send the Member information on things that may be of interest to them, including events and cycling related services/products linked to the club.
- Unless explicitly stated, The Njinga Collective does not share such information for marketing purposes with any other organisations outside of the Njinga community. Should you have any questions about the information we hold on you, please see The Njinga Collective’s Privacy & Data Protection Policy on Team App.
- The Njinga Collective may, from time to time, update its Membership terms and conditions. Members are advised to refer to the Membership terms and conditions prior to the renewal of their Membership annually.
- These terms and conditions together with the club policy documents comprise the entire agreement between The Njinga Collective and a Member in relation to the purchase and use of their Membership and replaces any previous terms and conditions of The Njinga Collective membership entered into.
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
1. I understand and agree that I participate in The Njinga Collective Rideouts entirely at my own risk and that no responsibility whatsoever shall attach to The Njinga Collective, any sponsors or suppliers, ride captains, or any person involved in the organisation of the Rideouts for any injury, accidents, loss or damage suffered by me in, or by reason of the Rideouts, however such may be caused. I am healthy and fit enough to take part in this event.
2. Associated Risk:
I am aware of the physically strenuous nature of these Rideouts, the risks both medically and physically. I confirm I am healthy and fit (physically and medically) enough to take part in these Rideouts and have read and signed a Physical Readiness Questionnaire. I also accept that should any medical or physical condition arise prior to these Rideouts which is likely to affect my ability to take part will be reason to withdraw in accordance with these conditions. If you have not exercised before or for some time, you should consult your doctor before joining The Njinga Collective. I understand that these Rideouts involve strenuous physical activity associated with bicycling long distances. I understand that physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks. I assume all risks associated with participating in these Rideouts relating to the risk of strenuous physical activity, collisions with other riders, or falling off of my bicycle. I acknowledge that I may incur minor injuries, major injuries, and catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. I assume all risks from contact with other participants and volunteers, negligent or wanton acts of other participants and volunteers, any defects of conditions of road surfaces (including uneven or wet road surfaces or gravel on the road surface), failure of cyclists, vehicles, and non-participants to observe traffic signals or laws, and the effects of weather including high heat, thunderstorms, lightning, precipitation, cold temperatures, high winds, and/or humidity.
3. Ride Safety:
i. A safety approved cycle helmet must be worn at all times when cycling (we recommend riders wear helmets complying with ANSI Z90/4 or SNELL standards). Any rider not wearing a helmet will not be allowed to participate.
ii. Members confirm their bicycle is roadworthy and has been regularly serviced by a qualified bicycle mechanic.
iii. Members must comply with the Highway Code at all times
iv. Members will ride no more than 2 abreast at any time and in single file where appropriate.
v. Members confirm they are capable of carrying out basic bike maintenance, such as puncture repairs.
vi. Any equipment that acts as an impediment to hearing or concentration is prohibited while riding on the bike. This includes, but is not limited to, use of mobile telephones, personal stereos and MP3 players.
vii. The Risk Assessment for Njinga Collective Rideouts can be found on Team App.
All members must carry on each of the rideouts:
i. 2 water bottles fixed in 2 bottle cages on their bicycle
ii. 2 spare inner tubes, 2 tyre levers and small pump or gas canisters
iii. Sufficient food/snacks for the duration of the rideout
iv. A fully functioning red rear bicycle light
v. Emergency Contact details with emergency contact name, relationship to me, their telephone number and list any medical conditions or allergies
4. Code Of Practice:
I confirm I have read and agree to abide by the Code of Practice which outlines the club rules and etiquette, and that I have made myself familiar with hand signals/calls
5. Insurance:
As a British Cycling affiliated club, The Njinga Collective is provided with third party (public) liability insurance with an indemnity limit of £20m. Third party (public) liability insurance indemnifies the club and its officials* only against their legal liability for personal injury, death and/or property damage to a third party arising from their negligence. I understand that The Njinga Collective club insurance does not cover individual riders. The Njinga Collective strongly recommends all members purchase their own public liability insurance as this will ensure 3rd party insurance coverage for the individual rider. I understand that this is to protect both myself and those that I am riding with. (We recommend British Cycling and Cycling UK but your home insurance might also provide suitable cover.) *Officials of the club are only those who act on the club’s specific instructions during their term of office.
6. Media and Photography:
I understand and accept that representatives from The Njinga Collective may take photographs and video footage during the Rideouts for use to publicise and promote The Njinga Collective. You agree to waiver all your rights across all media rights (known or unknown) worldwide.
7. Removal of Participants:
The Njinga Collective committee members or Ride Captains reserve the right at any time to remove participants from the Rideouts or to prevent participants taking part on the Rideouts if in The Njinga collective’s sole discretion, it considers such action necessary for safety reasons or the proper enjoyment of the Rideouts by other participants or for any other reasonable reason.
8. Personal Belongings:
I acknowledge that I am personally responsible for my own belongings during the Rideouts and The Njinga Collective cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage of said items.
9. Programme Alterations:
I am aware The Njinga Collective reserve the right to change the Rideouts or cancel/postpone a Rideout that they deem necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. Any change to the Rideouts will be communicated to the participant as soon as practically possible.
10. Miscellaneous:
If I miss any Rideouts during the season, then I will not be entitled to any additional Rideouts or refunds.
11. Practice:
I agree to regularly practice my cycle skills and keep up my cycle training to ensure I maintain a good level of fitness throughout the season.
12. Team Kit:
I acknowledge that I will purchase a Njinga Collective cycling jersey in order to cycle and be identified in one of the groups on the Rideouts that are supported by the Njinga Ride Captains.
13. Data protection:
agree for the purposes of this condition, personal information includes medical data collected for health and safety purposes ("Personal Information").
i) I agree that my personal information can be stored and used by The Njinga Collective in connection with the organisation, staging and administration of the Rideouts.
ii) Medical information will only be used to allow medical assistance to be given during the Rideouts.
iii) I agree that my name and contact details can be used by The Njinga Collective for the purposes of keeping me informed about any information relating to the Rideouts.
iv) The Njinga Collective shall take all necessary steps to ensure that personal information or marketing information pertaining or relating to me which comes into the possession or control of The Njinga Collective shall not be used or reproduced in whole or in part in any form except for the purposes outlined in these Conditions.
14. Waiver of Liability/ Responsibility:
Whilst The Njinga Collective takes every care with staging the Rideouts, I acknowledge that personal accident and personal items insurance is my sole responsibility. The Njinga Collective shall not be liable for any loss or damage of or to personal equipment belonging to myself, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of me taking part in the Rideouts; or for any loss of business; revenue or profit; loss of reputation; anticipated savings or wasted expenditure; pledges made on my behalf or by me to charity. In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Rideouts, I voluntarily agree for myself, my family, heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to the following: TO ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OF LOSS, OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property owned by me, as a result of participating in the Event. TO RELEASE, WAIVE, HOLD HARMLESS, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Releasees from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, expenses, attorney fees, breach of contract actions, breach of statutory duty or other duty of care, warranty, strict liability actions, and causes of action whatsoever, that I might have or may acquire in the future, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, while participating in the Event including, but not limited to, any claim that the act or omission complained of was in whole or in part by the negligence or carelessness of the Releasees. I also accept that any mechanical support received on my bicycle from The Njinga Collective, partners, fellow participants or other third parties is at my own discretion and I will not hold anyone else responsible for any subsequent bicycle malfunctions or resulting injury. I accept that should my bike be transferred in any vehicle during the Programme, that it is placed and transferred in the vehicle at my own risk and The Njinga Collective are not liable for any damage caused during this process.
15. Nothing in this agreement shall affect The Njinga Collective’s liability for death or personal injury, fraud, or any other liability to the extent it cannot be excluded or limited by law.
I confirm I have read & understood all the Njinga Collective policies and also I accept these terms and conditions and undertake to abide them.