Need Flexibility and Results?

Our on demand Perform offering is suitable for cyclists of ALL levels looking for a structured way to train at a time that suits them.   

Every programme is built to drive noticeable results and includes off-bike work such as core and yoga as well as structured multi week training programmes to improve your fitness, endurance and power. 

Get Instant access now.

Access structured programmes designed to deliver results. You will benefit from:


It may be on demand but the coach is still there cheering you on, every step of the way and providing valuable tips and instructions in each session.


Testing at the beginning and end of relevant programmes, whether on bike or off, to track improvements and performance gains.

360 Approach

Benefit from a holistic focus on every area impacting your performance through our training philosophy TRAIN | FUEL | MIND


Choose where, when and how you train with flexible online programmes, sessions and training resources.

Want access to everything in one low price?

Check out our online Cycling Academy. Get everything below and more for one low monthly fee.

Instant Access Programmes

On Bike

Power Pacer

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Improved stamina and efficiency to ride harder for less effort on longer endurance rides. 

Result: Faster and more efficient at sub threshold power on longer endurance rides while dealing with peloton surges.

Suitable for: All levels.

FTP Accelerator

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Increased cycling performance by sustaining a higher power output for longer resulting in an improved lactate threshold. 

Result: Improved Functional Threshold Power (FTP score) to ride faster for longer.

Suitable for: All levels.

Climb Faster

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Increased muscular strength and endurance to sustain longer tougher efforts on climbs.
Result: Improved power to weight ratio to climb faster.

Suitable for:  All levels.

Off Bike

30 Day Core Challenge
Level 1

Duration: 30 Days 

Benefits: Improved stability, power transfer, and posture.

Result: Improved cycling efficiency and reduced risk of injuries.

Suitable for: Riders who have a weak core or have not focused on this area before.

30 day Core Challenge
Level 2

Duration: 30 Days 

Benefits: Improved stability, power transfer, and posture.

Result: improved cycling efficiency and reduced risk of injuries.

Suitable for: Riders who have good core strength already or are building on level one.

Yoga for Cyclists 
Level 1

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Improved flexibility, balance, and mental focus.

Result: Better body awareness, recovery and overall performance on the bike.

Suitable for: Riders new to yoga or looking to revisit the basics.

Yoga for Cyclists
Level 2

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Improved flexibility, balance, and mental focus.

Result: Better body awareness, recovery and overall performance on the bike.

Suitable for: Riders who have a regular yoga practise already or are building on level one.

Core and Strength

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Improved strength, stability and endurance.

Result: Increased power output, injury resilience and improved overall performance.

Suitable for: Riders who have some core strength already and looking to improve overall conditioning.

Mobility for Cyclists

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Greater range of motion, reduced muscle tension, and enhanced comfort on the bike.

Result: Better performance and reduced risk of overuse injuries. 

Suitable for: Riders of all levels looking to improve mobility and flexibility.


Improve your Power to Weight

Duration: 8-weeks

Benefits: Improved knowledge of what, when and how to eat. Better understanding of carbohydrates, fats and protein, detoxification, blood sugar regulation, hormones and fat burning.

Result: Improved overall health and reduction in weight so you can cycle faster for longer.

Suitable for: All levels.

Nutrition Basics

Duration: 4-weeks

Benefits: Basic introduction into carbohydrates, fats and proteins and how to eat a cleaner diet.

Result: More energy, better food choices, reduced weight.

Suitable for: All levels.



"Another successful training programme where I saw my fitness, strength and climbing ability improve. The programme increased my confidence to tackle hills and is a big foundation block towards my ultimate goal of 5 mountain stages of the TdeF (Le Loop)."


"My aching body after the sessions provides testament to a great all-over, strength-building programme, and one that really complements work on the bike, whether indoor or outdoor.  It's just what I was looking for to help build my power output."


"I cannot recommend the Njinga Cycling Academy enough! The structure of the sessions kept me motivated and I had something to aim for. Togo is very encouraging, giving you lots of helpful tips on technique along the way."


"This S&C programme was my fifth one with Njinga, and they just keep getting better. The structure is great, the sessions are short enough to fit in your schedule, and it really makes a difference having Togo push you - but also doing all the sessions himself."

What's Included?

Access to Online Training Platform

Benchmark Testing for Relevant Programmes

Experienced Coaches

Weekly emails to help you stay on track

Coach Tips and Technique videos

100% Moneyback Guarantee


Book a FREE 15 minute coach call with us today and find out which programme is right for you.

Whether you’ve recently got into cycling or you’re a seasoned Sportive rider, Njinga Cycling has a programme that will get you ready for any event.

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